System Architect Definitions, Encyclopedia:"D:\DATA\SYSARCH\HCM\GEN_DATA\SUBJECT\V01\CURRENT\"
AC/Direction (Gen-Spec Arc)
Base Class: "Associative Category"
Open: F
Definitions Used:
Associative Category (Class)

Access Group For Information (Class)
Description: Access allowed for a particular "Access Group" to a "Subject".
Comment: The "Subject" to which access is allowed is normally one holding information. Others are not prohibited but would be meaningless in this context.
Source: HcM QA
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Access Group For Object (Class)
Description: Describes the access an "Agent Access Group" has to an "Object".
Examples: For example, if a patient says to a GP, "Don't tell anyone about this but another doctor in the practice".
Source: HcM QA
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Access Type (Class)
Description: "Level" specifying the extents to which access to information may be granted.
Examples which may be considered include:
Read only
Forward to others
Each level would be deemed to include all lower levels.

Source: HcM QA
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

accuracy unit for (Association)
From Class: "Unit Of Measure"
To Class: "Measured Qualifier"

Acquired Permanent Property (Class)
Description: "Subject Property", effective from a point in time, which cannot be changed.
Source: post-CBS
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Acquired Temporary Property (Class)
Description: "Subject Property" which exists until it is observed to change.
Source: post-CBS
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity For Subject (Class)
Description: "Activity" directed towards a single "Subject".
Previous definitions from which the above have been distilled:

An act which changes either the state, or the knowledge of the state, of a "Subject" (CBS v2).

Source: CBS V2 Gen
Previous name: ACTUAL ACT
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

activity for (Association)
From Class: Activity
To Class: "Activity State"

Activity In Context (Class)
Description: "Activity For Subject" placed within a "Context Activity" by an "Agent".
Source: HcM QA
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity Qualifier Type (Class)
Description: "Descriptive Category" capable of classifying an "Activity Qualifier"
Comment: Necessary to indicate the nature of the qualification as opposed to its value.
Examples: In medication, "Route", "Form", "Strength", "Special Instructions" are all examples of "Activity Qualifier Type".
Source: COSHER
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity Qualifier (Class)
Description: "Phenomenon Qualifier" qualifying an "Activity For Subject".
Examples: Laterality and site of an operative procedure; route, strength and form of a drug administration.
Source: CCC
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity Specification (Class)
Comment: Activity specification is included here as a place-holder. When this model merged with the protocol model the definition from that model should be used. If there is no Activity specification in the protocol model then it should be deleted from this diagram and from the Agent encyclopaedia.
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity State Change (Class)
Description: "Activity" changing the state of another "Activity".
Source: post-CBS
Previous name: State Change Activity
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

activity state type from (Association)
From Class: "Activity State Type"
To Class: "State Transition Excluded"

activity state type to (Association)
From Class: "Activity State Type"
To Class: "State Transition Excluded"

Activity State Type (Class)
Description: "State Type" being one of the permissible states for "Activity State".
Source: HcM QA
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity State (Class)
Description: "Activity" in a state which it is currently or has been previously.
Comment: Note that there are both subtypes (comprising all the possible states) and a "power type" of "Activity State Type". The latter's contents are identical to the subtypes; it exists in order to control topics such as access and permission to amend.
Source: HcM QA
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity Substitution (Class)
Description: "Activity" which has been wholly or partially replaced by another and hence will not be taken forward.
Comment: Note that the "Activity" which is not to be taken forward moves to the "Not Required" state.
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity To Be Done (Class)
Description: "Activity" required to be undertaken.
Comment: Required activities are those which an Agent has made a specific decision to take forward.
Source: post-CBS
Previous name: Established Activity
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity Type Excluded (Class)
An "Activity Type" that may not be performed for this "Authorised Agent Activity".

Comment: This will be a species or sub-species of the "Activity Type" associated with the Agent via "Agent's Activity Type".
Examples: This could for example mean that a doctor is allowed to perform general medical duties (an "Activity Type" included by "Permitted Activity Type", with the exception of heart transplants, an excluded "Activity Type".
Source: Unspecified
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity Type Offered (Class)
An "Activity Type" that an "Agent" makes a general offer to perform.

Comment: There is no need for any authorisation for this type of offer - it can be offered by a "Free Agent". Example would be setting up a business to supply goods that are not regulated by legislation (i.e. a pharmacists shop would not be covered by this type.)
Source: CBS V2 Gen
Previous name: Business Scope of Agent
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity Type (Class)
Description: "Descriptive Category" capable of being used as a category for "Activities".
Source: CBS V2 Gen
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity Under Consideration (Class)
Description: "Activity" which is considered appropriate by an "Agent".
Comment: Note that there is not necessarily any intention to perform the Activity at this stage - indeed a set of conflicting Activities may all be simultaneously under consideration.
Source: post-CBS
Previous name: Relevant Activity
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Activity/Direction (Gen-Spec Arc)
Base Class: Activity
Open: F
Definitions Used:
Activity (Class)

Activity/Repetition (Gen-Spec Arc)
Base Class: Activity
Open: F
Definitions Used:
Activity (Class)

Activity/State (Gen-Spec Arc)
Base Class: "Activity State"
Open: F
Definitions Used:
Activity State (Class)

Activity (Class)
Description: Purposeful and intentional "Event"
Previous documented definitions providing the source for the above are:

An exertion of energy initiated by an "Agent" (CBS v2) - this definition is followed by a definition of its subtypes.

Conscious, directed and purposeful exertion of energy.

"Event" occurring through the volition of an "Agent".

Source: CBS V2 Gen
Previous name: Activity
State Type: F

&Abstract: F
Value: F
Definitions Used:
Quantity (Class Attribute)

Actual Outcome (Class)
Description: "Outcome" deduced to be in effect preceding or at the time of the deducing "Activity".
Source: post-CBS
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Actual Property (Class)
Abstract: F
Derived: F
Allow Shared: F
Override Shared: F
Default Shared: F
Allow Transactional: F
Override Transactional: F
Default Transactional: F
Allow Monitored: F
Override Monitored: F
Default Monitored: F
Allow Distributed: F
Override Distributed: F
Default Distributed: F
Normalize: F
Description: "Property" applicable at or before time of attribution.
Source: post-CBS
Previous name: Factual Characteristic
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

Actual Resource For Activity (Class)
Description: "Resource For Activity" using a specific identified "Resource Held".
Source: CBS V2 Gen
State Type: F
&Abstract: F
Value: F

actual source of (Association)
From Class: "Subject Phenomenon"
To Class: "Actual Outcome"
Redefines: "Causal Relation"."source of"
Definitions Used:
source of (Association)

actual user (Association)
From Class: "Completed Activity"
To Class: "Resource For Completed Activity"

actual user (Association)
From Class: "Abandoned Activity"
To Class: "Resource For Abandoned Activity"

actual user (Association)
From Class: "Started Activity"
To Class: "Resource For Started Activity"